
For centuries, the ocean has been a source of food, livelihood and pleasure for people all around the world. Fishing has been one of the oldest professions that has brought communities together, but it has also been a source of oppression and racism throughout history. The Black Fisherman Light is a unique symbol of resistance, resilience and hope, that represents the stories of black fishermen who have long been marginalized and ignored in the fishing industry.

The Significance of The Black Fisherman Light

The Black Fisherman Light was created in 2019, as part of a public art collaboration in honor of the Black Lives Matter movement. This art installation is a lighthouse sculpture, standing at over 35 feet tall and weighing over 20,000 pounds. The lighthouse is made up of over 4,000 LED lights, and is located on the Hudson River in New York City, where it illuminates the dark, polluted waters that have long been a site of environmental racism.

The Black Fisherman Light serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for black fisherman, who have long struggled to gain recognition for their contributions to the fishing industry. Black fishermen have faced systemic racism and discrimination, with limited access to resources and financing, making it difficult to compete with their white counterparts. The Black Fisherman Light serves as a reminder of their struggles, and a call to action for change.

Stories of Black Fishermen

The Black Fisherman Light was inspired by the stories of black fishermen and their contributions to the fishing industry. For centuries, black fishermen have been an integral part of the fishing economy, with a deep knowledge of the ocean and its resources. Despite their contributions, their stories have been erased from history, and their voices silenced.

One such story is that of the black fishermen in Louisiana, who have been fishing these waters for generations. These fishermen have been subject to numerous environmental disasters, including the BP oil spill in 2010, that devastated their communities and their livelihoods. These fishermen have long been fighting for their rights to fish in clean and safe waters, and their stories are an integral part of the Black Fisherman Light.

Challenges Faced by Black Fishermen

Black fishermen today continue to face numerous challenges that threaten their livelihoods and make it difficult to compete in the industry. One such challenge is access to resources and financing. Black fishermen often face difficulty in securing loans and financing for their businesses, which limits their ability to purchase equipment and compete with larger fishing companies.

Another challenge is the lack of recognition for their contributions. Historically, black fishermen have been erased from history, with their stories and knowledge ignored. This has led to a lack of representation in decision-making processes, and a lack of access to resources and funding.

The Call to Action

The Black Fisherman Light calls on all of us to recognize the contributions and struggles of black fishermen, and to take action to support their communities. This includes advocating for fair access to resources and financing, as well as working to elevate the voices of black fishermen in decision-making processes.

It also requires acknowledging the history of racism and discrimination in the fishing industry, and working to dismantle these systems of oppression. Through education, community building, and solidarity, we can work towards creating a more equitable and just world for all fishermen, regardless of their race or background.


The Black Fisherman Light is a symbol of hope, resistance, and resilience for black fishermen and their communities. It represents the stories of black fishermen, and the challenges they have faced and continue to face in the fishing industry. By recognizing these stories, and working to create a more just and equitable society, we can create a future where all fishermen, regardless of their race or background, can thrive and succeed.