
Scandi apartment design embraces minimalism and functionality, creating a cozy and inviting space that is also highly practical. This design style originated in Scandinavia, and has now become popular all over the world. Scandinavian countries are famous for their cool and moody landscapes, so it is no surprise that their home interiors often reflect the same aesthetic.

What is Scandi Apartment Design?

Scandi apartment design is characterized by a few key elements. Firstly, it emphasizes functionality and practicality. Everything in the apartment has a purpose and nothing is extraneous. Secondly, it tends towards minimalism, with a focus on clean lines, neutral colors, and natural materials. Finally, it emphasizes coziness and warmth, with lots of soft fabrics, rugs, and blankets.

The Benefits of Scandi Apartment Design

There are many benefits to adopting Scandi apartment design. On a practical level, it helps keep things organized and decluttered. The focus on functionality means that everything in the apartment serves a purpose, and there is no excess or clutter. On an aesthetic level, the simplicity and cleanliness of the design helps create a calming and soothing environment. This can be especially important for people who are sensitive to their surroundings and want to create an oasis in their apartment.

How to Create a Scandi Apartment Design

Creating a Scandi apartment design is surprisingly easy. Here are a few key steps to follow:

Choose a neutral color palette

Scandi apartment design tends towards muted and neutral colors. This helps create a calm and peaceful environment. Think white, gray, beige, and other pale hues. You can always add pops of color through accessories if needed.

Use natural materials

Scandi design emphasizes natural materials like wood, wool, and leather. These materials help create a warm and cozy atmosphere, while also being highly functional.

Emphasize clean lines

Scandi apartment design is all about simplicity and minimalism. Clean lines can help create a sense of order and simplicity, while also being highly functional.

Maximize natural light

Finally, Scandi apartment design embraces natural light. It is all about bringing the outside in, and maximizing the natural light in your space. This can be done through large windows or skylights, or by using mirrors to reflect light around the room.


Scandi apartment design is a wonderful way to create a minimalist and cozy oasis in your home. By emphasizing functionality, simplicity, and warmth, it helps create a calming and peaceful environment that is perfect for relaxation and recharging. With these key design elements in mind, anyone can create a beautiful Scandi-style apartment that is both pleasing to the eye and highly functional.