
Kepler Innermost is one of the most mysterious exoplanets ever discovered. It is located in the Kepler-70 system, about 3,000 light-years away from Earth. This exoplanet is known for its high temperature and extreme radiation, which make it difficult for scientists to study. However, despite its challenges, scientists are still fascinated by this exoplanet and are actively researching to unravel its secrets.

Physical Characteristics

Kepler Innermost is an exoplanet that orbits around a star called Kepler-70, which is a hot subdwarf star. The exoplanet has a radius of about 1.2 times that of Jupiter and a mass of about 3.2 times that of Jupiter. It is very close to its host star, with an orbital period of only 5.7 hours. This makes it one of the closest exoplanets ever discovered.

The extreme proximity to its host star causes the outer atmosphere of Kepler Innermost to be extremely hot, with temperatures reaching up to 1,800 degrees Celsius. The extreme radiation of the host star also causes the exoplanet to lose its atmosphere at a rate of about 10,000 times faster than Earth.


Kepler Innermost was discovered in 2011 by NASA’s Kepler spacecraft. The spacecraft was designed to discover exoplanets using the transit method, where it detects the dip in brightness of a star when an exoplanet passes in front of it. The discovery of Kepler Innermost was confirmed when the spacecraft detected three consecutive dips in brightness of the host star, indicating the presence of an exoplanet.

Challenges in Studying Kepler Innermost

Studying Kepler Innermost comes with a lot of challenges due to its high temperature and extreme radiation. Its proximity to its host star also makes it difficult for telescopes to observe it directly. However, scientists have come up with creative ways of studying this mysterious exoplanet.

One way scientists have been able to study Kepler Innermost is through observations using the Hubble Space Telescope. The telescope has detected the presence of heavy elements such as iron and titanium in the atmosphere of the exoplanet. This has led scientists to conclude that the exoplanet may have originated from the outer regions of its planetary system, and may have migrated inward due to gravitational disturbances from other planets in the system.

Another way scientists are studying Kepler Innermost is through computer simulations. Using computational models, scientists can simulate the conditions on the exoplanet and make predictions about its composition and atmospheric dynamics.

Potential for Future Research

Despite the challenges in studying Kepler Innermost, scientists are still excited about the potential for future research. The exoplanet is a prime candidate for studying planetary migration, as its proximity to its host star suggests that it may have migrated inward from the outer regions of its system.

Additionally, studying the extreme radiation environment of the exoplanet can help scientists understand more about the effects of radiation on planetary atmospheres. This could have important implications for the search for habitable exoplanets.


Kepler Innermost is a mysterious exoplanet that has captured the attention of scientists around the world. Despite the challenges in studying it, scientists are still making progress in understanding its physical characteristics and its atmosphere. The potential for future research on this exoplanet is exciting, and it may lead to new discoveries in the field of exoplanet research.