
The world of lighting abstract is truly mesmerizing. It is a form of art that uses light to create stunning visual displays that captivate and inspire. From illuminated sculptures to projection mapping, the possibilities are endless. In this article, we will explore the world of lighting abstract and delve into some of the most impressive examples of this artform.

What is Lighting Abstract?

Lighting abstract is an artform that uses light and technology as its medium. It involves manipulating light to create stunning visual displays that are both dynamic and immersive. The art of lighting abstract has many applications, from creating ambiance in a home to enhancing a live performance. The key to lighting abstract is using light creatively and strategically to create an experience for the viewer.

Types of Lighting Abstract

There are many different types of lighting abstract, each with its own unique characteristics and applications. Here are some of the most common types:

Projection Mapping

Projection mapping is a form of lighting abstract that uses projectors to create a visual display on a surface. This could be anything from a building to a sculpture. The key to projection mapping is using the shape and features of the surface to create a dynamic and immersive display.

Illuminated Sculptures

Illuminated sculptures are sculptures that use light as a central component. This could be as simple as a sculpture with a light source inside or as complex as a sculpture that reacts to its environment using sensors and programmed lighting effects.

Laser Shows

Laser shows are a popular form of lighting abstract that use lasers to create stunning visual displays. Laser shows are often used in live performances and can create a sense of awe and wonder in the audience.

Examples of Lighting Abstract

Here are some of the most impressive examples of lighting abstract:

Sensory Seas by Marshmallow Laser Feast

Sensory Seas is an immersive installation created by art collective Marshmallow Laser Feast. The installation uses lighting effects and projection mapping to create an otherworldly underwater environment. The lighting effects are synchronized with ambient sound to create a truly immersive experience.

Haze by Dan Flavin

Dan Flavin was a minimalist artist who used fluorescent tube lights to create striking installations. Haze is one of his most impressive works, consisting of a series of fluorescent tubes arranged in a grid pattern. The tubes emit a bright, diffused light that gives the installation a hypnotic, dreamlike quality.

Light Cloud by Fujiko Nakaya

Light Cloud is an installation created by Japanese artist Fujiko Nakaya. The installation consists of a series of mist nozzles that emit bursts of fine water droplets. The water droplets are illuminated by a series of colored lights, creating an ethereal, ever-changing display.


Lighting abstract is a form of art that has the ability to captivate and inspire. By using light creatively and strategically, artists can create stunning visual displays that immerse the viewer in an otherworldly experience. From projection mapping to illuminated sculptures, the possibilities are endless. The next time you come across a lighting abstract installation, take a moment to appreciate the thought and creativity that went into creating it.